Hamidreza Ayatollahy
Professor of Philosophy Department
Allameh Tabatabaii University

The process of globalization, which has influenced many dimensions of human life, is an obligatory process that the contemporary human destiny is passively transformed by it. This does not mean that there can not be any active influence of some men on it. Those who are following the project of globalism (or Westernism or even Americanism) know well that although we have passion in his huge change we may play an active role in this process. In recent years, there are some serious attentions of many thinkers from economic, industrial and political dimensions of globalization to the cultural aspects of this process. Meanwhile, the contemporary researchers of religion in different cultures are enquiring in the influence of religion on this process and vise versa.

برداشت این پرونده (Active_Role_or_Passive_Presence_of_Relig.pdf)Active_Role_or_Passive_Presence_of_Relig.pdf116 کیلوبایت265 برداشت
برداشت این پرونده (Active Role or Passive Presence of Religions Specially Islam in Globalization corrected.pdf)Active Role or Passive Presence of Religions Specially Islam in Globalization116 کیلوبایت222 برداشت